Tuesday, June 16, 2009

For All Your Little Princesses

Sheila Walsh’s, God’s Little Princess Devotional Bible, is for young girls who are beginning readers, or for parents to read to their daughters, and will get them started in the wonderful habit of daily devotions.

This devotional Bible has delightful drawings as well as short Bible stories written in an easily understandable format as well as modern day illustrations to help the young girl make good decisions about everyday problems she might face.

This would make a great gift for any young girl, from the ages of four to eight and perhaps a bit older depending upon her maturity level.

My copy is going to a six-year-old great-granddaughter who is just beginning to read.

Marilyn Meredith

Monday, June 8, 2009

An Intimate Daily Devotional

Jesus Calling is a unique book of devotionals in that it is written as though by Jesus directly to the reader. If found this approach refreshing and extremely spiritually uplifting.

Each message is Biblical sound, based on a passage attributed to Jesus.

Beginning each day with one of these devotions should arm the reader for whatever comes.

The day I wrote this review, the devotional was titled, "I Want You to be All Mine" and was based on this: "Seek My Face with a teachable spirit. Come into My Presence with thanksgiving, desiring to be transformed." The accompanying Bible verses were Matthew 28:18 and Psalm 100:4.

Jesus Calling is recommended to anyone wanting a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.

Marilyn Meredith
Author of the Deputy Crabtree mystery series: Kindred Spirits

I review for Thomas Nelson Book Review Bloggers